Saturday, August 18, 2007


The night before snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, we went to a slide show summarizing the life on the reef and what to look for. Near the end of the presentation the instructor talked about some fish that like to follow along beside boats hoping for someone to vomit (spew) and provide them with a “hot lunch”. She then casually mentioned that there would be high winds the next few days and everyone should take some harsh motion sickness pills (not the wimpy, feel good ginger tablets that don’t really work).

After the slide show about half the class lined up in a nearby 24 hour pharmacy to buy some motion sickness pills. Boy was that a good idea.

Mekayla and I had an incredible day of snorkeling. The sea was a bit rough, but it was still beautiful and there was not a hint of seasickness. Many of our fellow travelers were not so lucky. I think half of them were sick within 5 minutes of leaving the dock. At about 10 AM as we reached our first snorkeling spot I overheard one passenger ask a crewmember when they would be getting onto land. The answer was 5PM. Some people had a very long day.

Now we are off to camp again. It looks like we will be pitching the tent at night and in the rain. Just the way we like it. Now off to get used to driving a manual transmission with my left hand. Later.


The Massey Family said...

Ew! Did any fish get a hot lunch?

Greg said...

They actually have bio degradable bags for puking in that you are encouraged to throw over the side so the fish can eat them.


lauriechorev said...

...and that's why I don't eat fish...

Miss you guys! Happy (almost) bday, Mekayla!